Stations of the Crib
The Nativity
By Antonio de Corregio (1522)
The Stations of the Crib recall the events leading up to and immediately following the birth of Christ. They parallel in number and form the Stations of the Cross.
The Stations of the Crib may be copied and distributed as written, provided that this copyright notice is included with the text:
Copyrighted 2005 by the Confraternity of Penitents, 1702 Lumbard Street, Fort Wayne IN 46803, phone 260-739-6882,, web site These are available in an illustrated, printed flyer on this link.
1. Annunciation:
The angel Gabriel is sent by God to a virgin of Nazareth named Mary, to announce that she has been chosen by the Lord to be the mother of the long awaited Messiah. The news was both joyful and frightening to this humble and holy maid. In faith she agrees and God enters our human world.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
2. Visitation:
The Blessed Mother hurries to share the news of the Messiah's incarnation with her cousin Elizabeth whom the angel told her was also pregnant. The old and the young women meet as their unborn infants recognize one another.
The two faithful mothers share with one another their wonder and their thoughts.We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
3. Joseph:
Joseph is shocked and dismayed when he learns of his betrothed's pregnancy. He did not anticipate anything like this with one so pure. An angel appears to him, to tell him that the babe is conceived by the Holy Spirit and Joseph believes and is at peace.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
4. The Pregnancy:
Nine months of pregnancy slowly unfold amid the questions and gossip of the people of Nazareth. Secure in what they know is the truth, Joseph and Mary complete their daily duties in faith and wonder at the workings of God.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
5. The Edict:
The news that a census is to be taken spreads swiftly through Nazareth. Everyone must return to the town of their heritage to be counted. Joseph and Mary are as startled as everyone else by this unsettling news. The baby is due to be born soon, and they must travel far to Bethlehem.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
6. Journey to Bethlehem:
The journey to Bethlehem is long and tiring. Mary rides a donkey while Joseph walks ahead. At last the crowded town comes into view.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
7. Search for Lodging:
From one inn to the other, the tired couple go, Joseph pleading for lodging for his wife who is in the throes of active labor. One inn keeper has pity on this woman, so close to giving birth. He sends them to his stable where the young woman can at least rest and the baby be born in solitude.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
8. Birth of Christ:
In the dimness of the stable, surrounded by placid eyed oxen and donkeys, the voice of the Messiah is first heard. In wonder, Joseph and Mary gaze at the wide eyed newborn Who turns His head toward their awed voices. Oh Child of wonder, whatever will You be?
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
9. Angels:
Joseph and Mary hear the singing almost at the same time they hear the Infant's first cry. It fills the stable with joy, with voices more beautiful than any they have ever heard. Yet no humans but they are in the stable. Joseph and Mary gaze at Christ and know they are hearing the exultant songs of angels. Glory to God in the highest and peace to all of good will.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
10. Shepherds:
The stable door opens hesitantly. Joseph and Mary turn toward the sound. A band of shepherds hesitantly enter, their eyes wide with wonder. They spy the Infant in Mary's arms and fall to their knees before Him. "We heard angels," one says. They can say no more.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
11. Work:
The Child grows as Joseph finds work in Bethlehem. Mary sets up house. The days are peaceful. The couple does not know how long they will remain here. When the Child is a bit older, they will return to Nazareth.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
12. Magi:
Just after sunset one evening, a knock is heard at the door of one of the little homes in Bethlehem. Joseph opens to three richly dressed astrologers from the East. "We have come with gifts for the new King of the Jews," one says. In wonder, Joseph and Mary watch as the three kneel at the cradle of the sleeping infant and lay before Him gold, frankincense and myrrh.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
13. Flight into Egypt:
Joseph is troubled after the Magi leave. He cannot sleep yet does not know why. Suddenly an angel appears to him. "Take the Child and His mother and flee into Egypt. Herod seeks the Child to kill Him." Joseph awakens Mary. Swiftly they pack their few belongings, take the Child and the donkey, and are gone.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
14. Growth of Christ:
Joseph finds work in Egypt.
Mary tends house. The Child grows. Joseph and Mary see His first step, hear His first words. Little one, where will You walk when You are grown? What will You say? May we listen and follow You.
We adore You, oh Infant Christ, and we praise You because through Your incarnation, You have transformed our lives. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be