Penance As Vocation
Penance as a Vocation
Might a vocation to live a life of continual penance (conversion) in the manner of the Confraternity of Penitents be for you? Only the Holy Spirit knows! But you can be sure that He wants you to find out. If you are fourteen years of age or older, you can be part of the Confraternity of Penitents.
Roman Catholics may become Members by completing the CFP four-year formation program in the Catholic faith and in living the Rule gradually over those years. By the end of four years, the penitent is living the entire Rule and may then apply to pledge to live the Rule and Constitutions for life.
Non-Catholics and Catholics with impediments may complete the four years of formation as Associates, even though they cannot pledge.
Those who cannot or do not wish to do formation are invited to become Affiliates who live in peace with all and who support the Confraternity.
Transfers from other Lay Associations or Third Orders will enter formation at a level determined by the similarity of their current Rule and Constitutions to those of the CFP. See the FAQ page for more information.
Why not explore these pages for more information and pray about what God wants of you? Then follow the words of our Blessed Mother to the waiters at the wedding feast of Cana and “do whatever He tells you.”
May you receive all the blessings God has in store for you!