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Day of Recollection

Sample Format for a Day of Recollection

Confraternity of Penitents Chapters and Circles, and even individuals, are encouraged to organize Days of Recollection (Days of Reflection) for the faithful. Everyone is invited.

Goals of a Day of Recollection:

1. It affords the faithful a day to quietly reflect together on their spiritual journey. Penitents especially can reflect on a life of deeper penance (conversion).


2. It evangelizes the general Catholic population.


3. It informs others about the existence of the Confraternity of Penitents.

​​Tips for a Successful Day of Recollection

1. Choose a location with ample, free parking. A parish meeting hall is ideal.


2. Select a vibrant priest or religious to conduct the day (a priest can have Mass and Confessions)


3. Center the Day of Recollection around a season. Lent is especially effective.


4. Provide beverages. Have attendees bring a bag lunch. Have some extra food for those who forgot.


5. Near the beverages, place a basket with a few dollars in it, for a free will offering. Give the offering to the priest or religious and to the meeting location.

6. Begin and end on time.


7. Two to three weeks in advance, send bulletin announcements to all Catholic parishes within reasonable driving distance.


Also send brief write ups to local and diocesan papers. Posters and flyers are helpful.


8. Ask folks to maintain a quiet, reflective atmosphere and encourage silence by playing soft, instrumental hymns during the quiet time.


9. If you pray Daytime Prayers, hand out copies of the psalms for attendees to follow.


10. Post the schedule on a large poster, blackboard, or white board.


11. Have name tags.


12. At the beginning, welcome all, point out restrooms, offering basket, beverages. Go over silent nature of the day, tell where confessions will be held, and so on.


13. Have free handouts on the CFP and a sample handbook. Point out location in a welcome talk.

Sample Schedule

9 am. Registration


9:30 am. Welcome, Mid morning Prayer, followed by Mass and homily, then quiet time and confessions


11:00 am. First Conference


Noon: Angelus, Mid-day prayer followed by bag lunch


2:45 pm. Second Conference


1:30 pm. Third Conference

2:15 pm. Holy Hour with Exposition, Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Mid-afternoon Prayer. Confessions heard at this time.


3:30 pm. Benediction

Sample Bulletin Announcement:


Keep bulletin announcement short. Give full location, beginning and ending times, date, presenter, content, contact. State that the day is sponsored by the Confraternity of Penitents but that all are welcome and that a free will offering will be taken.


Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring to the Day of Recollection exactly who should be there!

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